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Press Release: Heuristic Solutions’ LearningBuilder Platform Streamlines NAHAM’s Certification Process

by | Certification, Press Releases

ARLINGTON, Va.– The National Association of Healthcare Access Management (NAHAM) has successfully implemented and launched the LearningBuilder credentialing management platform to house their Certified Healthcare Access Associate (CHAA) and Certified Healthcare Access Manager (CHAM) credentials.

NAHAM’s use of LearningBuilder affords prospective certificants the opportunity to apply for and maintain their certifications entirely online. It also relieves internal staff by dramatically reducing time and resources spent reviewing and managing applications. LearningBuilder is highly configurable to unique program rules and requirements.

“After a good number of demos, it was clear that LearningBuilder was the easiest to understand and offered our customers the flexibility that they need,” said Jessica Baumgartner, Membership & Operations Senior Coordinator for NAHAM. “In addition, Heuristics was willing to work with us to determine how to achieve our goals while accommodating our budget by familiarizing our internal staff with the platform. NAHAM has had a very smooth launch period, and LearningBuilder is a great product with a great team behind it.”

“This implementation is an example of how configurable the LearningBuilder platform is,” explains Christopher Butcher, Principal and CIO of Heuristic Solutions. “The NAHAM staff were able to perform all but the most complex configuration tasks independently. With initial training on concepts and configuration mechanics, the NAHAM staff were able to take the project and run with it. They consulted with us on some of the very peculiar rules and relationships they manage. The best part for NAHAM is that because they performed the configuration, they will need minimal support to adjust the configuration as the program changes.”


The National Association of Healthcare Access Management (NAHAM) is the leading resource in Patient Access Services. NAHAM establishes best practices and subject matter expertise; provides an array of networking, education, and certification opportunities; and enables their members to influence and promote high quality delivery of Patient Access Services.

About Heuristic Solutions

Since 1996, Heuristic Solutions has served as the behind-the-scenes technology partner for credentialing bodies. LearningBuilder is recognized as the industry leading credentialing management software, the only platform designed to address the unique needs of accreditation, certification, and licensing organizations. Highly configurable, LearningBuilder supports over one million users.

Abigail Sisson, Marketing and Communications Coordinator
Heuristic Solutions

Heuristic Solutions is a leader in software and technology for certification, licensure, and accreditation. Partner with us today, and we’ll modernize your system to better serve your organization.

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