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License Management Processes Made Better with LearningBuilder

by | License Management

As a regulator, you have an important role: protecting public trust while helping your constituents earn their living. You perform this role by managing your state’s license management process, profession by profession. The public doesn’t always appreciate how license management processes require strict adherence to administrative regulations and the ability to engage multiple stakeholders: practitioners, the public, reviewers, auditors, legal officials, and more!

Are you still dealing with manual workarounds and wishing for more comprehensive functionality in your current technology? We hear you and we’re here for you. We created LearningBuilder license management software to smooth speedbumps on the way to achieving and maintaining licensure. Here are some of the common (yet crucial) processes we can help you simplify, automate, and streamline as your technology partner:

License Management Challenge One: Multiple Eligibility Paths

Many professions have several eligibility pathways to licensure to better support the employability of their constituents. After all, varying eligibility paths reflect the reality of a licensee’s life circumstances and how they might change. If you still use paper or PDF forms for your licensing operations, however, it’s easy for overwhelm to set in. The national exam can further complicate the application process. Luckily, the LearningBuilder way is better:

We’ll work with you to identify specific requirements for each eligibility path. Then, we’ll help configure a single application to support each pathway. In LearningBuilder, applicants can change pathways as needed over time. We’ll design workflows to ask for (and collect) different data, like education and work experience, for each path’s common and unique requirements.

Pro Tip: Do you license businesses as well as individuals? We can configure LearningBuilder to handle that process, as well. We can even sync the renewal process! That way, an individual can renew their business and practicing licenses together.

License Management Challenge Two: Auditing

“Trust, but verify.” We know that ensuring licensee compliance with statute requirements is crucial to the role of regulators. To this end, successful auditing is essential for your organizational efficiency. LearningBuilder supports a comprehensive, secure, and reliable audit process tailored to your program’s unique needs.

With the help of our highly trained analysts, you’ll organize and define an auditing process that maintains rigorous standards and ensures candidate compliance. You can use LearningBuilder to select practitioners for random audits and automatically assign pre-determined, anonymous reviewers. Collect supporting documentation during the initial application process, or after audit selection — whatever makes sense for your program.

License Management Challenge Three: License Renewals

Once you’ve conferred a practitioner’s initial license, how do you keep them licensed? LearningBuilder automatically starts licensees on a renewal application — with no action needed on their part. We use automated emails and text messages to keep licensees in the loop on key dates and deadlines. That way, we can help you ensure nobody slips through the cracks.

Despite these efforts, some licenses will inevitably lapse. Whether you require a fee, an exam retake, or CE, we can easily configure a baseline application to support your paths reinstatement and ensure practitioners are on those paths. We can even support grace periods, late fees, and exception management.

License Management Challenge Four: Name Changes

At Heuristics, empowering self-service is the name of the game. Speaking of names, we’ve found that name changes are among the most common requests that can tie up organizational staff time and resources.

Licensees who need to change their names can do so with LearningBuilder’s robust and detailed Member Record. Your staff will have access to a log of all changes made by licensees in the system. No phone calls needed!

Pro Tip: Does your board require proof of identity? LearningBuilder can support submitting the associated documentation and approving the change.

License Management Challenge Five: License Portability and Reciprocity

Have license; will travel? Not without license portability or reciprocity! No matter what your industry, practitioners want freedom to move. Your board — and your profession — might also benefit from more licensees able to operate in your state.

Whether you’ve established a licensing compact or a reciprocity with other jurisdictions, LearningBuilder can help optimize license mobility. This is especially helpful for reciprocity, which can be a complex process of review and adjustment in relation to differing licensure criteria. Since we treat compact licensure or reciprocity as alternate licensure pathways, all you have to do is define the requirements for each accepted jurisdiction. The system can do the rest.

If you only accept licenses from certain alternate jurisdictions, your application drop-down menus will only include those options. If your reciprocity criteria change from state to state depending on those states’ requirements, we can use LearningBuilder’s powerful Rules Engine to tailor your application requirements accordingly. For example, practitioners licensed in certain jurisdictions may only need to provide proof of verification. Those licensed in other states may need to pass an additional exam. However, they may be able to skip other eligibility requirements. No matter what you decide works best for your program, we can help.

License Management Challenge Six: Complaints and Investigations

Smooth and straightforward complaints and investigations processes protect the public and the practitioner. They also demand a lot of communication and documentation. If you’re handling this process with paper or PDFs, it can be cumbersome.

LearningBuilder allows you to accept and review submissions and collect and organize evidence. You can also automate and log communications in one secure place. You can even create an initial complaints validation step independent of staff involvement. Meticulous records? Kept. Legal compliance? Check.

LearningBuilder Does More for Licensure — So Your Staff Can Do Less

At Heuristics, we pride ourselves on delivering robust, flexible license management systems. We’re prepared to handle all your program needs. Ready for more? You can find us at booth #17 at the upcoming CLEAR Annual Educational Conference to learn about our comprehensive license management software tools. While you’re there, pick up a complimentary new headshot at our photo station! Or, click here to schedule a time to talk before, during, or after the event.


Heuristic Solutions is a leader in software and technology for certification, licensure, and accreditation. Partner with us today, and we’ll modernize your system to better serve your organization.

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