LearningBuilder’s integration capabilities continue to expand and improve: Our SSO capabilities are now SAML-assisted!
SAML stands for Security Assertion Markup Language, but it might as well stand for Seamless Access (to) Multiple Locations. With SAML on our side, integrations that support multiple system sign-ins are more streamlined and more secure.
Single Sign-On Integrations: Crucial for Connecting the Certification Ecosystem
Single Sign-On (SSO) integrations are cornerstones of certification management that eliminate the need for multiple login credentials. With an SSO integration, users can seamlessly access LearningBuilder after signing into an AMS, CRM, LMS, or other third-party system — or vice versa.
One Set of Credentials, Multiple Login Capabilities
SAML is an open standard identity protocol based on the Extensible Markup Language (XML) format. It transfers authentication data between two parties: an Identity Provider and a Service Provider. It thereby communicates one authentication (that a user is who they claim to be) to multiple applications. That authentication is like a passport that verifies someone’s identity in many places.
LearningBuilder can act as either the Identity Provider or Service Provider in an SSO integration. When LearningBuilder is the Identity Provider, users can log in from LearningBuilder into a third-party system. When LearningBuilder is the Service Provider, users can log into LearningBuilder from a third-party system. In this case, logins can also trigger a Demographic Sync, an integration that updates specific user data within LearningBuilder. That way, they only have to enter it once.
SAML Makes Third-Party Integrations Easier
We love SAML because it seriously streamlines SSO. With SAML, no custom coding or engineering support is needed for these third-party integrations.
SAML-Assisted SSO Integrations Improve the User Experience
LearningBuilder clients often manage user data in a separate system, like an AMS or CRM. SSO allows those users to access LearningBuilder with their existing system credentials so that they do not need a LearningBuilder-specific password in addition to their other system password. Not only does this make sign-in faster and easier, but fewer passwords to remember means fewer reset requests.
SAML-Assisted SSO Integrations Improve Security
SAML doesn’t just enhance the user experience. It also enhances system security. SAML Identity Providers use tools like multi-factor authentication (MFA) and other secure solutions to safeguard against common password attacks. The result? Fewer passwords with more strength overall.
LearningBuilder Streamlines Third-Party Integrations for Certification Management
Over the last months, we’ve been doing a lot behind the scenes to make implementing new integrations as efficient and hassle-free as possible. SAML is just one piece of that puzzle: LearningBuilder now also supports OIDC (or OpenID Connect), another authentication protocol that helps empower SSO integrations. We’ve minimized custom coding and standardized our processes to maximize the efficacy of our technical resources — A.K.A., our team of trained technology and certification experts.
Are you exploring software options and interested in learning more about LearningBuilder’s integration services? Take the next step with us and set up a call to get started. If you’re already a client, simply send us a ticket to move forward with an upgrade.