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Digital Badging? Done! LearningBuilder Now Integrates with Credly Acclaim

by | Product Features and Releases

Mark achievements. Celebrate milestones. Inform the public. Build your organization’s brand awareness! Through a new integration with the Credly Acclaim digital credentialing platform, LearningBuilder can now manage digital badging for certification, licensure, workforce development, educational activities, assessment-based certificates, and more.

Digital badges: Your candidates want them. They benefit you, too.

Digital badges are an instant and engaging way to alert employers, colleagues, and the public to a practitioner’s knowledge, skills, capabilities, and credential status. The demand for digital credentials is growing across credentialed professions, and it’s easy to see why. The digital credentials offered through Credly Acclaim are:

  • Secure
  • Verifiable
  • Shareable (via LinkedIn and other platforms)

Not only are digital badges easy to share, but recipients are also eager to show them off as proof of accomplishment. You can help foster a culture of celebration and achievement by encouraging recipients to share their badges. This helps them help you increase the visibility of your programs and credentials!

Of course, even with these benefits, you don’t want to have to manage your digital badges manually. You want them built into your existing workflow and conferral process so you don’t have to download the recipients from your system and upload them to your badging platform. Those extra steps stack up, especially with multiple credentials and badges. That’s where LearningBuilder comes in.

LearningBuilder’s Credly Acclaim integration automates digital badging.

Whether you already offer digital credentials or want to start, we can automate both issuing new badges and updating existing ones.

How does it work? First, you create your badge templates with your Credly Acclaim account. Then, you’ll provide the Heuristics team with your badge template IDs. You’ll choose the “ID evidence” (like a practitioner’s license number) to attach to the badge, as well as whether you want to include the practitioner’s state, province, and country. You’ll also choose what workflow actions will trigger the API call. Is it when a candidate passes an exam? When a reviewer approves an application? When a candidate reaches a certain eligibility threshold? You decide, we configure.

When the system confers a digital credential as part of your credentialing process, Credly Acclaim sends an automatic email to notify badge recipients. This also gives them access to collect and share their digital badge with the world! Even better, if a candidate renews their credential, LearningBuilder updates the expiration date of the corresponding digital badge accordingly.

LearningBuilder: Streamlining credentialing processes for organizations and their constituents.

Do you want to add integrated Credly Acclaim digital badging to your current LearningBuilder system? Start the process by using the Customer Support Portal to create a new Change Request ticket. We’ll also have more exciting LearningBuilder updates soon, so stay tuned.

Are you exploring a new software solution with digital badging capabilities for certification management, license management, workforce development, or other credentials? Schedule a call to find out if we’re a good fit for your program needs!

Heuristic Solutions is a leader in software and technology for certification, licensure, and accreditation. Partner with us today, and we’ll modernize your system to better serve your organization.

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