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Is AI for Certification Management REALLY the Answer?

by | Certification

Have AI tools for certification management been on your mind?

Many certification programs are interested in exploring the possibilities of emerging AI solutions. We’re all looking for AI to replace the need for human work. From item generation to smarter test forensics and beyond, we have been asking: How can AI augment our team?

Of course, we also have to ask: Are AI solutions always the best answer to the challenges of certification management? Without the fundamentals of a successful system, the “latest thing” may not actually be the first step to future-proof your certification program.

Fundamental #1: Data from the Source Doesn’t Need Authentication

Many organizations see AI as a tool for removing human intervention in the application process. And AI can help. But before investing resources (human or otherwise) in interpreting the data, have you eliminated sources of incomplete or inaccurate information within your application process? Is the data coming from the candidate, or directly from the source? Do you structure your data submission within the system so that you can easily determine compliance with your requirements?

At Heuristics, we are focused on the fundamentals: We believe that an integrated certification ecosystem is the future of credential management. We want better data that does more. That means getting data straight from the source and into the system in a meaningful way — with as few steps as possible in between. With this in place, the use case for AI becomes much narrower and easier to achieve.

Our integration services connect certification programs to the source of truth for data so that less review is required. Whether demographic information, academic transcripts, or attendance records, LearningBuilder can integrate with an AMS or LMS or support data import from education providers. For example, with an Approved Provider portal, pre-approved CE can be added directly to a practitioner’s recertification or maintenance of certification application via attendance record import. Our new Learning Hub feature makes it possible to transmit even a very high volume of records between systems without disrupting performance.

Plus, our Enhanced Data Import Tool extends data functionality in LearningBuilder to further automate certification program processes. Importing a large quantity of data is easier, and imports can update and change applications. For example, exam score imports can automatically put applicants with passing scores into recertification status and begin their recertification applications, seamlessly updating their cycle dates and requirements.

Fundamental #2: Increased Automations Support Process Optimization

Speaking of automations, a certification program doesn’t need AI solutions for what it can already automate through business and data validation rules. Software designed specifically for certification management will be designed with certification workflows in mind. These rules serve as data validation gatekeepers in your certification process and prevent unnecessary review (human or otherwise). They ensure the system captures the right data, in the correct format, and within an acceptable range of values.

LearningBuilder also uses administrator queues to highlight tasks and focus staff attention on the right things, allowing them to filter out the “noise” and move processes, including exceptions applications, forward. Reviewers can approve, deny, or request additional information with just a few clicks. It’s not a completely hands-off process, but then again, you might not want it to be. Exception management (and the related outcomes) often requires nuanced understanding and judgment that current AI systems may not reliably provide Well-designed, automated certification workflows help humans make better decisions faster so your staff can focus on exceptions, edge cases, and other tasks that may always require a level of human discernment.

Fundamental #3: A Well-Designed UI Requires No Further Explanation

If program staff are tied up answering questions and fielding requests from your constituents, there is an obvious appeal to the idea of an AI chat box. Before going down that route, however, consider the applicant’s experience within your current system. Does your UI support end-user ease of use? Do you empower system participants with written and visual cues? Do you make information like communications and payment histories readily available through straightforward navigation? And, not to state the obvious…But have you taken advantage of all opportunities to foster end-user self-service?

In other words, instead of using AI to answer questions, why not use UI/UX to prevent questions? If you build guidance and communications into the application process, system participants will feel confident in their next steps…which means they won’t be tying up the phone lines.

Your analytics can also offer insight into potential constituent sticking points. You might discover speedbumps in the end-user experience by analyzing program data reports. With that knowledge, you can add or adjust your instructions (or configuration) to better represent your rules. If certain business rules are open to interpretation, consider adding text that anticipates the questions that may arise. If your system supports email and SMS notifications, you can send your community targeted, clarifying communications en masse rather than field one-to-one requests for clarification.

Expand the Horizons of Certification Management With LearningBuilder

Artificial intelligence offers exciting possibilities for certification management. Those possibilities are predicated on an easy-to-navigate application, robust data exchange, and impactful automations. With the right technology, you can evolve your platform to better serve your constituents and empower their self-service, as well as engage with program stakeholders (like employers and education providers) to streamline data flow and optimize your certification operations.

At Heuristic Solutions, we believe that the future of certification management is about technology that creates more engaging, meaningful, and efficient certification processes. We can partner with you to explore use cases for solutions — including AI — to reduce staff resource expenditure and enhance the applicant experience without sacrificing program rigor. Interested to learn more? We invite you to set up a call with us to explore your options.


Heuristic Solutions is a leader in software and technology for certification, licensure, and accreditation. Partner with us today, and we’ll modernize your system to better serve your organization.

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