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How to Automate Conditionally-Based Communications

by | Certification

Who needs to be notified when, and about what? Does this seemingly innocuous question open a can of worms? Within your larger communications strategy for certification management, many different types of communications might need to be sent, depending on many factors.

Some of your routine communications will be triggered by actions taken within the system (like starting or submitting an application). Other notifications will be conditional; they may not be sent to every applicant. Conditionally-based communications include deadline reminders and communications around exceptions and decisions. These notifications have triggers like:

  • The status of an application
  • The related timeframe
  • The characteristics that apply to a given applicant

At different stages in the process, a user will have different deadlines. Communication may result from a lack of action (like starting an application but not submitting it). Or, they may result from an aspect of their applications changing, like going from certified to lapsed.

Organizing and planning these conditional communications can quickly become a daunting thought, especially if your program confers multiple credentials or has complex business rules. Luckily, LearningBuilder certification management software makes managing your conditionally-based communications easy from setup…to launch…to updates…and beyond.

Conditionally-Based Communications: A Workflow-Based Approach

At Heuristic Solutions we take a process-based approach to certification. We consider the certification application (initial and onward) as a series of smaller, often interdependent processes or workflows with a start point, endpoint, and steps between. LearningBuilder allows each of these processes to unfold both independently and in parallel. This is how structurally speaking we can manage a high level of complexity with a great deal of conceptual clarity.

When we implement your system, we work from your workflow diagrams, which map the workflow steps within each process and who owns what step. These workflow diagrams can also act as a communications roadmap for your notifications. The notifications themselves are like signs along the road.

Your conditional communications will let applicants on the certification journey know what’s ahead (like an application deadline) and how soon it will happen (one month). You can use your communications roadmap to determine the intervals at which you want those notifications and the conditions that trigger them. These reminders that keep applicants on track and away from the road to nowhere or, in the case of recertification, the exit to “lapsed-ville.” Should they find themselves on the off-ramp, your notifications can hopefully make their detour a quick one and get them back on the road to success as soon as possible. By working backward, you can ensure your applicants keep moving forward.

Workflow diagrams also have a less obvious benefit: Process mapping may reveal opportunities to send additional communications — potentially the least frequent, least thought-of notifications for edge cases — for applications that meet certain conditions. That way, you won’t be playing catch-up with these communications as they become necessary.

LearningBuilder Makes Automated Communications a Snap

LearningBuilder doesn’t just bring all of your communications into one system. LearningBuilder also offers the tools to manage your automated communications over time. Notifications are linked to workflow steps so you can track them as your program grows and changes. When you need to update your communications, the impact will be clear.

Additionally, the LearningBuilder Automations Engine is a low-code configuration tool that even your non-technical staff can use to make adjustments as your program and/or needs change. Of course, our experienced client services and support staff are also on hand to lend one should the need arise.

Ready to learn more? Schedule a 1:1 with us to see if we’re the technology partner you’ve been seeking.

Heuristic Solutions is a leader in software and technology for certification, licensure, and accreditation. Partner with us today, and we’ll modernize your system to better serve your organization.

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