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Heuristics, HPCC Collaborate at ABNS Conference 2020

by | Certification, Events

Attending the American Board of Nursing Specialties conference this month? Catch up with Heuristics!

Karen Cantor, one of our immensely talented Implementation Analysts, is collaborating with Annette M Parry Bush and Keisha Davidson of the Hospice and Palliative Credentialing Center (HPCC) on a conference session that is sure to leave attendees with new perspectives on their current revenue streams.

Business Operations Initiatives: Build Your Program Using Organizational Payments

In this session, Annette, Keisha and Karen will speak about their experiences collecting payments directly from employers, rather than through applicants. This session will equip you to:

  • Describe three models for allowing organizations to reduce the financial burden of certification on your program participants.
  • Weigh the benefits and constraints of each model.
  • Consider whether any of the models will benefit your organization. Hope to see you in Atlanta!

P.S. Interested in implementing an employer voucher process, but not able to travel to ABNS? Check out this LearningBuilder Feature Webinar to learn more about how employer vouchers can open doors for your organization!

Heuristic Solutions is a leader in software and technology for certification, licensure, and accreditation. Partner with us today, and we’ll modernize your system to better serve your organization.

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