News you can use, from the industry’s most trusted software for certification, licensing, and accreditation.
The True Cost of Recertification: More than Just the Fee
When considering your recertification program design, have you factored in a certificant's true cost of recertification? The traditional model of a CE-based recertification program is often easy to administer but can end up costing practitioners more than the board...
Why Choose a Standalone Candidate Management System for Certification Management?
Certification programs have a couple of technology options to choose from to manage their...
Why Certification Management Software Needs a Well Designed Candidate Dashboard
The Certification Dashboard No matter how hard we try, our applicants will at some point struggle...
LearningBuilder 10.10: Release Notes
Release 10.10 – November 2021 New Major Feature: Roles can now be assigned an explicit...
How to Track Candidates for Multiple Certification Exams
Isn’t one test enough? Not always! Credentialing organizations may opt to break up their exams...
Certification Management System vs Candidate Management System: What Is the Difference?
As members of the certification, licensing, and professional qualifications industry, you have...
Is a Shorter Recertification Cycle Better?
Certification boards face many questions about their programs. Among these is the question: “Is a...
Certification Systems: No Code Software Provides Advantages Over Custom Software
“No code” software is one of the latest disruptors in the software industry, promising...
Learning Management Software – what kind of system does what?
We are often asked if LearningBuilder a learning management system. And our response is “what do...
Debunking Myths About The Accreditation Process
Over the last ten years, we have worked with various accreditation organizations as they consider...
What to Consider When Choosing a Credentialing Management System
For any organization, selecting and implementing a new system can be a daunting task. For...